set your date

Woop! It’s party time!

Now that you’ve got your date set, we can begin working out your beverages two months to two weeks before your big day.

Our selection changes often due to us working with small producers and limited-production bottlings, so this gives us enough time to select and order in wines that are currently available, without us having to store your purchased wines for an excessive amount of time ;)

put out your vibe

What’s the mood for your shindig? Do you have a menu you’d like to pair wines with? Any special stylistic requests or strong preferences?

We specialize in wine, beer and cider made by good folks working by hand with a strong mindset toward preserving our planet for the next generation. With that in mind, we carry all styles/colors/regions from around the world and love pairing to your mood, food, weather or occasion.

We typically recommend a minimum of 2 wine selections (e.g. a white and a red) and a maximum of 5 (e.g. a sparkling, white, rosé, and two red options), or else it gets too confusing for most guests. That said, we do love getting fancier if you feel your group is game!

make your budget

We work with billionaires—exclusively.

JKJKJK awkward! Ugh, budgets suck, but you gotta do it. Should you wish to buy your guests all Grand Cru Burgundy, we’re very happy to help, but let’s be realistic and make people smile, yes?

Most of our selections start around $15, and we find the sweet spot for good party wine that’ll be gulped with abandon to be between $15-30 a bottle.

Here’s some quick math to help you figure out a budget:

  • The typical “catering rule” is 1 drink per person per hour... you can calculate from this how many “drinks” you'll need for your event (e.g. 10 people times 4 hours of partying equals 40 “drinks”). If your group is full of big drinkers, hedge up… if there are lots of teetotalers, nudge down.

  • 1 wine bottle contains 4-5 “drinks” (glasses) depending on pour size.

  • Each case of wine contains 12 bottles.

  • Example: 100 people times 4 hours of partying equals 400 “drinks.” 400 divided by 4.5 glasses per bottle equals 88.89 bottles of wine needed; 89 divided by 12 equals 7.4 cases of wine. We like to round up because… wine. So, you’ll need 8 cases of wine, divided as you see fit between your stylistic selections.

  • If you are providing beer or hard alcohol as well, you should evaluate roughly how many guests will choose those “drinks” over wine, and nudge your final count down accordingly.

Pick Your Juice

Oh you wanna taste?! It is the most fun part of the planning process, isn’t it? OK, c’mon let’s go!

Once you’ve filled out the below form to get started, we’ll pick out our top 2-3 selections in each style to suit your stated vibe and budget, then email you with our choices.

If you’d like to taste our selections before deciding, we’ll sell you one bottle of each selection at our case-discounted price (10% off). You may coordinate with us a date to come in and taste with one of our event planners (we’ll waive corkage on all bottles opened for this tasting), OR you may bring the bottles home to taste. (Please note that if you come in to taste with us, we strongly recommend limiting the number of guests who join you, as inevitably your mother-in-law or college roommate will have a strong opinion that they make rudely clear even though This. Is. Your. Day! We’ve been the awkward bystanders in that argument one too many times… just sayin’.)

We ask you to make your final selections within one week, since availability of wines can change dramatically and quickly, and we hate to see your heart set on an option that’s no longer available!

iron your party dress

Once your selections are set, we’ll send you an invoice. Pay up, and from there we’ll order in your wines! Wines are usually available for pick-up or delivery four business days after you’ve paid your invoice. We’ll be in touch super pronto-like as soon as they’re ready for you! All that’s left to do is press those party pants!

Ready to GET THIS PARTY STARTED?! Hit us up below and let’s DO DIS!